Monday 29 December 2014


From the cities of the United States to the streets of Mumbai and hoods of Bangladesh, slum exists dominated by a poverty, pollution, prostitution, hunger, drug addiction and salvation. The inhabitants of these areas, if they are not sellers of crack or sex are always in fear for their lives.
Little children supposed to be in schools work the streets selling dope and sex (crack and pussy). They were born on these streets, it’s all they’ve ever known and might forever know.  ‘I’ll disappear as soon as I save enough’, they say……..but always, they never save enough. These slums are their lives and crack and dope; their food and water. Its gross, its inhumane what happens out there but shutting our doors and windows and warning our kids won’t make the slums ‘unexist’…..
Government of these nations, UNICEF, U.N and different other organizations have been trying to rectify these issues-reduce the hardship and stagnation in these slums but they can only do so much.
Africa has been said to have one of the worst slums in the world-from the hoods Agege and Ajegunle in Lagos to the market of Onitsha, both in Nigeria , the streets of Kenya and Somali, the Congo and others too plenty to mention.
Child trafficking, molestation, rape and other vile lifestyle threaten the inhabitants of these slums. Dingy houses or apartment, crawling bugs, dank streets, polluted water and of course, crack addicts and whores are the only things that exist in these areas…
Dysentery, diarrhea, pox, scurvy and other disease too gross to mention are the order of the day….
We live in a little apartment and because our windows are too small or our paint is wearing off or porch is sagging, we feel bad. We eat and drink and go to schools. Yet we complain… the slums are what we don’t know. It’s a nightmare for the inhabitants.
Count your blessings………..
Poverty isn't necessarily ‘slumming’……..

Slumming, believe me, is worse…..

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