Monday 29 December 2014

SAVE OUR WORLD (Diary Of A Slum Kid) by Zaynab Yahaya

      Diary Of A Slum Kid:
I woke up dreary and swollen-eyed. Last night was pure hell, the old man keeping me awake all night to raise his member as soon as it gets flaccid, hitting me hard when I spit out his semen. I nearly choke as I recall the event, cursing softly as I swung my feet down the mattress, sputtering curses around my legs hit rodents who scuttled away from their hiding places around my dingy apartment.
Blasted rats got no respect for who pays the bills no more, I thought bitterly as I drew my scruffy worn-out coat around my body in a useless attempt to drive out the cold coming from my little window. Perhaps, working the streets today would give me enough dough to be able to afford a nice sweater for the vicious harmattan. Bleary-eyed, i walked to the window to watched the busy street and the Abuja-keffi expressway despondently. People bustled about, going to make a living. Little kids hawked wares, traders swept their stores, newspaper vendors advertised headlines….i always wondered why people wasted so much time and money buying papers that didn't give any attention to studs that mattered-like me, like those kids out there who are hawking for their parents to feed, like the rest of us lost souls at city rock.

City rock is a world on its own, the inhabitants are enigmas eluding the real world. Neon light, dark alleys, cigarette smoke-though there are time when I could swear there is something more than cigarette in the hands and pockets of both patrons and occupants, scantily clad bodies and raw cash exchanging gnarled hands. It is the nightmare of every parent for their child to see the interior of City Rock. Located on a federal expressway with flashing lights like a mall, not a whorehouse, the dingy building stands between honest-God buildings, transacting its business of whoring and what-not.

It is 9:00am in the morning. The building is still quiet, its inhabitants ranging from young girls to matured women are still asleep, probably recuperating from their sexcapedes of the previous night. But at night, with its flashing exterior lights and smoky interior, City Rock then lives to its full demand partying, whoring and drugging.
            I would not say I was forced here neither of us were. We are all just victims of circumstances-orphans or just poverty-stricken. I hear what they say about us, but I pray neither of them talkers ever fall into my position.
            At age 18, I should be in school, but I am here, selling sex and licking penises, worshipping every man’s naira notes just so my family can go to school. So they wouldn’t die of starvation. I don’t mind abandoning school, I have accepted my fate and in between paying our ‘madam’ and shipping money home, it doesn’t look like there’s a light at the end of my tunnel. Nobody minds. Nobody cares.

            Government? Oh, please. Like Michael Jackson said. They don’t really care about us. If we loiter their streets, they ship us off it………. But what happens to helping us out of our misery? What happens to saving our world?!!!


From the cities of the United States to the streets of Mumbai and hoods of Bangladesh, slum exists dominated by a poverty, pollution, prostitution, hunger, drug addiction and salvation. The inhabitants of these areas, if they are not sellers of crack or sex are always in fear for their lives.
Little children supposed to be in schools work the streets selling dope and sex (crack and pussy). They were born on these streets, it’s all they’ve ever known and might forever know.  ‘I’ll disappear as soon as I save enough’, they say……..but always, they never save enough. These slums are their lives and crack and dope; their food and water. Its gross, its inhumane what happens out there but shutting our doors and windows and warning our kids won’t make the slums ‘unexist’…..
Government of these nations, UNICEF, U.N and different other organizations have been trying to rectify these issues-reduce the hardship and stagnation in these slums but they can only do so much.
Africa has been said to have one of the worst slums in the world-from the hoods Agege and Ajegunle in Lagos to the market of Onitsha, both in Nigeria , the streets of Kenya and Somali, the Congo and others too plenty to mention.
Child trafficking, molestation, rape and other vile lifestyle threaten the inhabitants of these slums. Dingy houses or apartment, crawling bugs, dank streets, polluted water and of course, crack addicts and whores are the only things that exist in these areas…
Dysentery, diarrhea, pox, scurvy and other disease too gross to mention are the order of the day….
We live in a little apartment and because our windows are too small or our paint is wearing off or porch is sagging, we feel bad. We eat and drink and go to schools. Yet we complain… the slums are what we don’t know. It’s a nightmare for the inhabitants.
Count your blessings………..
Poverty isn't necessarily ‘slumming’……..

Slumming, believe me, is worse…..

SAVE OUR WORLD: by Zaynab Yahaya

People grow up on the streets…… Even the best cities in the world got them ‘hoods’ somewhere. There is always that place law enforcement can’t, don’t or won’t enforce their laws.
Tis a hard place…<<< you give me a dirty look, I pull out my colt. 38 and blow your brains out. I run the streets, man….>>>
People work these streets-young and old. the young  lads, away from school, with piercing and tattoos sell dope, ice meth and what-not in run down cars I can bet my Sunday dinner was stolen, while the lassies hang around their dingy apartment waiting for  a bloke-young or old, so long as he has a rod dangling between his legs to make their living.

Tis a sad life but it is a normal life for them ‘streeters’ and while numerous agencies are being set up by different countries to curb these anti-social oddities, the idea of having a street-free country still eludes most world leaders, to their utmost frustration….

Tuesday 23 December 2014


AT the time the Holy Qur'an was revealed, the human understanding of the nature of the cosmos and the movement or the stillness of the heavenly bodies was extremely primitive and obscure. This is no longer the case, as our knowledge of the universe has considerably advanced and expanded by the present age. Some of the theories relating to the creation of the universe have been verified as facts, whereas some others are still being explored. The concept of the expanding universe belongs to the former category, and has been universally accepted by the scientific community as 'fact'. This discovery was first made by Edwin Hubble in the 1920s. Yet some thirteen centuries before this, it was clearly mentioned in the Quran:

And the heaven We built with Our own powers (aydin) and indeed We go on expanding it (musi'un) 51:48.

It should be remembered that the concept of the continuous expansion of the universe is exclusive to the Qur'an. No other Divine scriptures even remotely hint at it. The discovery that the universe is constantly expanding is of prime significance to scientists, because it helps create a better understanding of how the universe was initially created. It clearly explains the stage by stage process of creation, in a manner which perfectly falls into step with the theory of the Big Bang. The Quran goes further and describes the entire cycle of the beginning, the end and the return again to a similar beginning. The first step of creation as related in the Qur'an accurately describes the event of the Big Bang in the following words:

Do not the unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were a closed-up mass (ratqan), then We clove them asunder (fataqna)? And We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe? 21:31

It is significant that this verse is specifically addressed to non-believers, implying perhaps, that the unveiling of the secret mentioned in this verse would be made by the non-believers, a sign for them of the truth of the Qur'an. In this verse the words ratqan (closed-up mass), and fataqna (We clove them asunder), carry the basic message of the whole verse. Authentic Arabic lexicons3 give two meanings of ratqan, that have great relevance to the topic under discussion. One meaning is 'the coming together of something and the consequent infusion into a single entity' and the second meaning is 'total darkness'. Both these meanings are significantly applicable. Taken together, they offer an apt description of the singularity of a black hole.

A BLACK HOLE is a gravitationally collapsed mass of colossal size. It begins with the collapse of such massive stars as are 15 or more times the size of the sun. The immensity of their inward gravitational pull causes the stars to collapse into a much smaller size. The gravitational pull is further concentrated and results in the further collapse of the entire mass into a supernova. At this stage the basic bricks of matter such as molecules, atoms etc. begin to be crushed into a nondescript mass of energy. Thus that moment in space-time is created which is called event horizon. The inward gravitational pull of that something becomes so powerful that all forms of radiation are pulled back so that even light cannot escape. A resultant total darkness ensues which earns it the name black hole, reminding one of the word ratqan used by the Quran indicating total darkness. This is called singularity which lies beyond the event horizon.
A black hole once created grows rapidly because even distant stars begin to be pulled in with the progressive concentration of gravitational energy. It is estimated that the mass of a black hole could grow as large as a hundred million times the mass of the sun. As its gravitational field widens, more material from space is drawn in at a speed close to that of light. In 1997 there was observational evidence suggesting that in our galaxy a black hole of 2,000,000 solar masses existed. But other calculations show that in our universe there could be many black holes as big as 3,000,000,000 solar masses.4 At that concentration of gravitational pull even distant stars would stagger and lose their mooring to be devoured by a glutton of such magnitude. Thus the process of ratqan is completed resulting into that singularity which is both completely closed as well as comprising total darkness. In answer to the question as to how the universe was initially created, the two most recent theories are both Big Bang theories. They claim that it was initiated from a singularity which suddenly erupted releasing the trapped mass leading yet again into the creation of a new universe through the event horizon. This dawn of light sprouting from the event horizon is called the white hole5,6. One of the two theories relating to the expansion predicts that the universe thus created will carry on expanding forever. The other claims that the expansion of the universe will, at some time, be reversed because the inward gravitational pull will ultimately prevail. Eventually, all matter will be pulled back again to form perhaps another gigantic black hole. This latter view appears to be supported by the Quran.
Whilst speaking of the first creation of the universe, the Quran clearly describes its ending into yet another black hole, connecting the end to the beginning, thus completing the full circle of the story of cosmos. The Quran declares:

Remember the day when We shall roll up the heavens like the rolling up of written scrolls ...21:105

The clear message of this verse is that the universe is not eternal. It speaks of a future when the heavens will be rolled up, in a manner similar to the rolling up of a scroll. Scientific descriptions illustrating the making of a black hole, very closely resemble what the Quran describes in the above verse. 
A mass of accretion from space falling into a black hole, as described above, would be pressed into a sheet under the enormous pressure created by the gravitational and electromagnetic forces. As the centre of the black hole is constantly revolving around itself, this sheet—as it approaches—will begin to be wrapped around it, before disappearing into the realm of the unknown at last.
The verse continues:

... As We began the first creation, so shall We repeat it; a promise binding on Us; that We shall certainly fulfil 21:105

Following the eventual collapse of the universe into a black hole, here we have the promise of a new beginning. God will recreate the universe, as He had done before. The collapsed universe will re-emerge from its darkness and the whole process of creation will start yet again (see plate 2). This wrapping up and unfolding of the universe appears to be an ongoing phenomenon, according to the Holy Quran.
This Quranic concept of the beginning and the end of the creation is undoubtedly extraordinary. It would not have been less amazing if it had been revealed to a highly educated person of our contemporary age, but one is wonder-struck by the fact that this most advanced knowledge, regarding the perpetually repeating phenomenon of creation, was revealed more than fourteen hundred years ago to an unlettered dweller of the Arabian desert.

The Quran and the Heavenly Bodies
Now we turn to another aspect of the description of the cosmos which relates to the motion of the heavenly bodies. The most striking feature of this description relates to the way the motion of the earth is described without glaringly contradicting the popular view prevailing in that age. All the scholars and sages of that time were unanimous in their belief that the earth is stationary while other heavenly bodies like the sun and the moon are constantly revolving around it. In view of this, the motion of the earth as described by the Quran may not be apparent to the casual reader, but to a careful student the message is loud and clear. If the Quran had described the earth as stationary and the heavenly bodies as revolving around it, then although the people of that time might have been satisfied with this description, the people of the later ages would have treated that statement as a proof of the ignorance of the Quran's author. Such a statement, they would emphasize, could not have been made by an All-Knowing, Supreme Being.
Rather than literally comparing the motion of the earth to that of other heavenly bodies, the Quran makes the following statement:

The mountains that you see, you think they are stationary while they are constantly floating like the floating of clouds. Such is the work of Allah Who made everything firm and strong...27:89

If the mountains are declared to be in constant motion, then the only logical inference to be drawn from this would be that the earth is also rotating along with them. But thanks to the masterly language of the Quran this observation went unnoticed. They had the impression, shared with the rest of mankind, that the earth was stationary and it was this false impression that was not obtrusively challenged. If they had read with care the end of the same verse they would have been left with no room for any misunderstanding. It ends with a lasting tribute to the creative faculty of God, Who has created all things with such firmness that they cannot be dislodged. Anything which cannot be dislodged can never be catapulted out of the earth, to fly alone, leaving the earth behind.
Again, in many other verses the Quran refers to the mountains as ravasiya which means 'firmly rooted in the earth':

He has created the heavens without any pillars that you can see, and He has placed in the earth firm mountains that it may not quake with you, and He has scattered therein all kinds of creatures; and We have sent down water from the clouds, and caused to grow therein every noble species...31:11

And We have made in the earth firm mountains, that they may provide them the living food, and We have made therein wide pathways that they may be rightly guided. 21:32

And He has placed in the earth firm mountains that they may provide you food, and rivers and routes that you may be guided. 16:16

Thus, the Holy Quran exquisitely succeeds in making this revelation in a manner that the prevalent knowledge of that time is not too loudly challenged. It is likely that the people may have believed verse 89 of Surah Al-Naml, referred to a future event associated with Doomsday. But as has been demonstrated, this misinterpretation would be absolutely unacceptable for the following reasons:
1.      The verse clearly speaks in the present tense and not in the future tense. The letter vaow used here can literally be translated as 'while' instead of 'and', so the meaning could be, 'you think the mountains are stationary, while they are moving'. To refer this part of the statement to the future is impermissible.
2.      If they, the mountains, were to fly in the future then how could man, even if he were perched at a safe distance on another planet, believe them to be stationary despite watching them flying in space? Hence such a translation is out of the question. Also, to translate this verse to indicate that though humans today consider the mountains to be stationary, they are not so because in future they will fly, would be evidently wrong. If the mountains are stationary today the humans would certainly see them to be stationary. It is not a question of their thinking them to be stationary. The Quran would have said 'You know them to be stationary and so they are but in future they will no longer be so'. This is not what the Quran says at all.
3.      At the end of the same verse, a tribute to the firmness of God's creation is the last clinching proof that the mountains, despite flying, are firmly entrenched. It is noteworthy that the early commentaries maintain silence on the true meaning of this verse which suggests that it was too difficult for them to interpret.
The Holy Quran also pronounces that all heavenly bodies are in a constant state of motion; none of them is stationary:
... everything is gliding along smoothly in its orbit.21:34

This all-embracing statement covers the entire universe, our solar system being no exception. In addition to this, there are many other verses which mention the elliptical movement of all the heavenly bodies. But they also speak of their movement towards their destined time of death. Following are some of the verses which cover both subjects:

Allah is He Who raised up the heavens without any pillars that you can see. Then He settled Himself on the Throne. And He pressed the sun and the moon into service. All pursue their course until an appointed time. He regulates it all. He clearly explains the Signs, that you may have a firm belief in the meeting with your Lord.13:3

Hast thou not seen that Allah makes the night pass into the day, and makes the day pass into the night, and He has pressed the sun and the moon into service; all pursuing their course till an appointed term, and Allah is well aware of what you do? 31:30

He merges the night into the day, and He merges the day into the night. And He has pressed into service the sun and the moon; each one runs its course to an appointed term. Such is Allah, your Lord; His is the kingdom, and those whom you call upon beside Allah own not even a whit.35:14

He created the heavens and earth in accordance with the requirements of wisdom. He makes the night to cover the day, and He makes the day to cover the night; and He has pressed the sun and the moon into service; each pursues its course until an appointed time. Hearken, it is He alone Who is the Mighty, the Great Forgiver.39:9
NOW we turn to another amazing revelation of the Quran regarding a specific motion of the sun which is mentioned nowhere else. This verse 36:39, pronounces,

And the sun is constantly moving in the direction of its ultimate abode of rest. This is the decree of the Almighty, the All-Knowing.
It clearly speaks of a point in space to be the sun's final resting place. Despite the fact that it is only the sun which is mentioned, the verses which immediately follow bind the entire universe to the movement of the sun in the same specific direction:
And the sun is constantly moving in the direction of its ultimate abode of rest. This is the decree of the Almighty, the All-Knowing. 36:39-41
And for the moon We have regulated stages until it looks like a thin branch of an old palm tree.
Nor does it behove for the sun to overtake the moon nor for the night to overtake the day ...18
If it were only the sun which was moving in a fixed direction, the verse which follows this statement would not have proclaimed that the sun and the moon strictly maintain their mutual distance; they will never be able to gain or move away from each other, an unchangeable destiny till their appointed time. This clearly shows that in whatever direction the sun is moving, the moon is also moving.
But it is not only the question of the sun and the moon. All the heavenly bodies are described in the Quran as soundlessly floating. Again there are numerous verses in the Quran which describe the heavenly bodies bound together with invisible links. Hence if one of them moves in a direction other than its orbital and elliptical motion, all the other heavenly bodies must also move along to maintain their mutual balance.

And He it is Who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon; everything gliding along in orbit.21:34
It is not for the sun to overtake the moon, nor can the night outstrip the day. All float in an orbit.36:41

This is a unique style of the Quran also employed for indicating the movement of the earth upon its axis. The people of the time of both these revelations could not clearly grasp the underlying idea. If the mountains are moving the earth must also move along, but this is not what the people of that age inferred. Nor could they grasp the idea that if the sun is moving in the direction of a specific space, the entire universe must also be moving along with it to the same destination. This vision of the entire universe drifting away in space is an idea which perhaps has not as yet been conceived by contemporary scientists. Yet it can be implied from an in-depth study of the Quran that the entire cosmos is moving towards some point in space. If that implication is true then one is left with no choice but to visualize all 180 billion or more galaxies, of which our planetary system is but a tiny dot, to be moving along with the sun in a set direction.

ELSEWHERE IN THE CHAPTER we have suggested the possibility of an all-consuming gigantic black hole which may pull back the entire universal mass into its singularity.
As such, we have concluded that according to the Quran the case of the universe is an open and shut case. At the moment of the Big Bang it began to expand almost at the speed of light. At the end it will once again be drawn back into the abyss which we refer to as a black hole.
As far as the concept of a single universal black hole is concerned, it is based on the Big Bang theory which is fully supported by the Qur'an. Some scientists however, propose the case of an open universe. They believe that the universe will continue to expand forever and ever until the spacial matter becomes too thin and sparse, and extends beyond the gravitational pull of the centre of the universe. This scenario leaves no room for the universe to be reassembled and recreated. The Qur'an categorically rejects this open concept. It is loud, clear and specific that from a singularity the universe erupted, and back into another singularity it will sink again. The Unity of God and its creative outburst and the return of the creation again to the Unity of God could not have been better expressed than:

... to God we belong and to Him shall we return 2:157.

Thursday 11 December 2014

Boiling Water in a Paper Cup?

Using Tongs to Boil Water in a Paper Cup
Were humans able to boil water before we discovered how to make metal cookware? Absolutely. We've been boiling water in large, cup-shaped leaves for thousands of years! We’re able to pull this off because of a process called conduction, whereby heat is conducted away from the leaf and into the water. Do you think it’s possible to accomplish the same thing with a paper cup?
It is very easy to boil water in a paper cup. It may not be a practical way to boil water, but it's a great way to teach kids (and maybe yourself) a few things, like:
1. You can't always predict the outcome of a situation based upon intuition. Paper should always burn when exposed to fire, and the outside of the cup is dry, so why doesn't it burn?
2. You can boil water in almost anything that will contain it, so the story about aborigines dropping hot rocks in a wooden cup to boil water is true.
3. There are things you can do in the home that will teach you science without destroying your kitchen.
How to do it:
  • Step 1 - take a simple paper cup - it won't work with an insulated or double-walled cup, or a waxed paper cup, or two nested cups. Just abog standard paper dixie cup.
  • Step 2 - Fill the cup with water (only water.) If you want to make tea, get a bag ready.
  • Step 3 - Put it on the stove. If you have electric burners instead of gas, you need to trim the paper ridge at the bottom of the cup so that the surface of the cup rests against the metal.
  • Step 3 Heat. Soon the water will boil.
  • Step 4 - Add tea bag if desired.
Why it works:
The water acts as a heatsink, removing the heat of the flame (or hot plate) from the paper, keeping the temperature below the ignition point. Paper burns at more than twice the temperature water boils. As long as there is water in the cup, it will not burn. Water boils at 100 C and paper burns somewhere in the ballpark of 200 C.  You could certainly heat the paper to 100 C and the water would boil without burning the paper.  If you put a direct flame to the cup, you should also be ok, so long as the paper is thin and the part of the paper cup touching flame is also touching water.  This is because objects in contact tend to equalize their temperature.  Water boils at 100 C, and it stays at 100 C as you add extra heat to it--you only change the rate at which is boils.  This means the paper touching it wants to stay at 100 C as well and it transfers any extra heat to the boiling water in order to do so.  So if you apply a direct flame to the bottom of a paper cup filled with water, the paper shouldn't burn.  Of course if the paper is thick so that it can't transfer the heat from the outside to the water quickly enough or if the water boils off, then the paper can burn. 

Thursday 27 November 2014

The Magical Lionel Messi: how it all started

Argentina were World Cup holders back in 1987 and Diego Maradona was the planet's finest footballer but, in a poor part of the country's third-largest city, Rosario, something very significant also took place: Lionel Andres Messi was born.

The third son to Jorge, a steel worker, and Celia, a cleaner, young Lionel weighed in at just three kilos and was a mere 47 centimetres in height. He grew into the greatest goalscorer in Champions League history - but it was anything but easy.

Football was part of Leo's life from day one. Rosario Central were crowned champions of Argentina two weeks before Messi's birth, but little Lionel would inherit his father's passion for the city's other club: Newell's Old Boys.

"When his mother sent him off to run errands, Leo always took his football with him," his brother Matias once said. "And if he didn't have one, he would make one out of plastic bags or socks."

Even from the age of three, Leo and the ball were best friends. "I got given my first football when I was very young: three, maybe, or four," Messi said a few years ago. "It was a present and from then on it was the only present I ever wanted, Christmas, birthday or whatever: a ball." 

Young Leo went along to watch his brothers play at local club Grandoli, a modest team with no money and a dirt pitch in the south of the city. Their youth coach back then was Salvador Aparicio - and one night he found himself a player short.

"I looked up to the stands and saw him playing with a ball," he told Goal in a recording for partofthegametvbefore his death in 2008. "But he was so small, so we decided to wait for the other player to turn up. But he didn't, so I asked Lionel's mother if I could borrow him. 

"She didn't like the idea. She said he had never played [in a match] before. His grandmother was there too and she said: 'Come on, let him play'! So they let me borrow him.

"The first time the ball came to him he just looked at it and let it pass. He didn't even move. But the next time the ball came to him, it virtually hit him on the left leg. Then, he controlled it and started running across the pitch. He dribbled past everyone crossing his path. I was screaming for him to shoot, but he was too small. Ever since that day, he was always in my team."

That was at the age of five and, before long, Messi was not only dribbling, but shooting and scoring too.

"Later, in the youth teams, he scored six or seven goals in every match," Aparicio added. "Instead of waiting for the goalkeeper to kick the ball, he would take the ball off him and start dribbling all over the pitch. He was supernatural."

At the age of nine, Messi joined the club he still supports even today, Newell's, and was part of an exciting generation which lost just one match in four years. Little Leo, however, was the shining star of the Maquina de la '87 (the '87 Machine) - so named because all of its players had been born in 1987.

By the age of 11, however, it emerged that Messi was suffering from a growth hormone deficiency. Without the necessary treatment, his dreams of a career in football would be dashed.

Contrary to popular belief, Newell's did try and pay for treatment for their promising player, but with the club in crisis and few funds available, Messi's father grew frustrated. Social security saw to some of the medical bills, but the family were struggling to make ends meet.

Jorge Messi considered moving the whole family to Australia, but believed his son's football skills could help them to overcome their financial problems. He offered Lionel to River Plate and the young forward impressed as a 13-year-old against boys three years his senior in a trial alongside future international team-mate Gonzalo Higuain.

But Messi's father asked River for a job and a house in Buenos Aires and River took exception, while Newell's were also playing hard ball. So the move never materialised.

Instead, Jorge met with representatives of a scouting firm who called Argentine lawyer Juan Mateo, and a video of Messi kicking an orange (113 times in a row) and a tennis ball (120 times) was sent to Barcelona scout Josep Minguella.

Remarkably, that was enough to secure a trial at Barca and Messi travelled to the Catalan capital along with his father and one of the intermediaries, Fabian Soldini.

The forward's first contract was signed on a napkin by his father, Minguella and former Barca midfielder Carles Rexach, but his future remained uncertain for three years. Jorge was out of work and the club went back on several promises until a €4,000 per month contract allowed the family to breathe easily in 2004.

Later that year, a much taller and stronger Messi made his debut for the first team at the age of 17 and also scored his first Barca goal - with a beautiful lob - against Albacete that same season. A decade on, he has now not only become La Liga's greatest goalscorer, but also leads the scoring charts in European Cup and Champions League football.

"When we first saw him, he was so small that we wondered what he was doing here," Gerard Pique once said of little Leo. But how he grew.

Monday 24 November 2014

Harmattan don come back again o

Harmattan don come back again o. For those of una wey no do geography for school, Harmattan na dat dry dusty wind wey dey always travel from North Africa to come do holiday every year for west Africa within late November to early February. E dey always travel pass through the dry sahara desert where e dey pack dryness and dustiness follow body. 
I swear to God harmattan show some people pepper last year for naija. I no even know which one harmattan dey sef, from too much cold in the morning and nights to too much heat in the afternoon. No be dat one be my problem sef because the way some children body go dey dry and white like say dey wan act as ghost for nollywood movie just dey make me fear. Some people legs go cut come dey tear bedsheet like say na razor blade. Sometimes cloths go just dey shock d owner like say na electric because of harmattan.  

Some people dey happy if harmattan dey come because dey know say christmas don near, infact one of my friend last week talk say she don dey feel the christmas wind already- me I knw say na harmattan she dey talk about. 
My own advice for una be say;
  •         Buy wet lips o. if you no get money, use Ororo (groundnut oil)
  •       Buy the biggest size of Vaseline because your expensive cream no go fit deliver you from d harmattan spirit
  •     If you never get cardigan, u don enter wahala for morning and night cold. Make sure you get the thickest, but remove am before afternoon heat go catch u o.

Friday 21 November 2014

The Farmer's Donkey.................

One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for ...hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway; it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey. He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him. They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyone's amazement he quieted down. A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well. He was astonished at what he saw. With each shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doing something amazing. He would shake it off and take a step up. As the farmer's neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up. Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and happily trotted off!

Life is going to
shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up. Each of our troubles is a steppingstone. We can get out of the deepest wells just by not stopping, never giving up! Shake it off and take a step up.

Thursday 20 November 2014


Beatrice Jedy-Agba was appointed Executive Secretary of Nigeria's National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons and other Related Matters (NAPTIP) in 2011. NAPTIP is responsible for enhancing the effectiveness of law enforcement, preventing root causes, and providing victim protection. The Agency has nine shelters across the country, and has assisted in providing assistance and rehabilitation to thousands of survivors.
         Mrs. Jedy-Agba is transforming the Nigerian national landscape with respect to combating trafficking. Under her leadership, NAPTIP has become a model throughout Africa for coordination of government anti-trafficking efforts. Her work has resulted in the incorporation of human trafficking issues into national development discourse and planning. She has improved NAPTIP’s relationships with critical partners in Nigeria’s anti-trafficking response, such as local and international NGOs and foreign governments. Not focused solely on the South/North trafficking routes, she has made significant efforts to return and reintegrate Nigerian survivors of human trafficking from several West African countries, and has led collaboration to address the trade in the region. Mrs. Jedy-Agba also has initiated human trafficking public awareness campaigns to increase understanding and mobilize the general public.

Thursday 13 November 2014


He could be your neighbour, even your best friend. Or perhaps he is a colleague at work, or someone you talked to at a party last weekend. He appears to live a normal life – he’s married, has children, a good job – in other words, he’s a regular guy. But he also buys sexual services and thereby supports the market of sexual exploitation, prostitution and trafficking. And under the Swedish law, he is a criminal.

Swedish law focuses on these men rather than on the young girls and women they exploit. Why? The thinking behind the law is that it is the demand for sexual services that maintains prostitution and human trafficking for sexual purposes. The legal approach to this problem is often referred to as “the Swedish example.”
In 1999, Sweden enacted a law that forbids the purchase of sexual services, a law that at the time was the first of its kind. As at 2009, both Norway and Iceland had enacted similar Laws.